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major mayhem game

Something's start with kidnapping girlfriend. US President then send you help everywhere all over the world, in the desert, the jungle, the city ... until you discover that ... well, you'll see!

Because if Major chaos has a small baseline scenario (but enough to keep us in suspense) real strength lies in the quality of their performance on all points. First, 3D graphics in the style of animation quite successful. All is well. Whether decorations (live and sometimes destruction) environments atmosphere (any level is like another) or animation of the hero (and the rest): From the developers have worked really well!

Major also contributes to the chaos lamesLa sound greatly to this success, with film music movement, which fits perfectly to match the appropriate sound effects. But let's talk about the game. The main chaos is a shooting game is relatively easy. Your character is harmless most of the time, simply drawing the right time to take down your enemies by tapping on it.

Short champion from one scene to another, follow the "long" as it sometimes will jump to avoid a hole or obstacle while shooting at enemies and even vehicles (tanks, planes).

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