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The increased competition between companies on self-driving taxis

Since the beginning of 2016, vehicle manufacturers and technical societies and companies that provide services to transport passengers and taxis in competition to the self-driving design service taxis, the same service that you provided Uber started but no driver.

the recent competition was very stiff where each company is trying to leave a mark and to be proactive in this area by spending billions of dollars to invest in companies that provide technology to help develop self-driving taxi, or even to get the property.

Uber has been a pioneer in this after announcing that it would begin develope Resume leadership taxi service (but with a driver behind the wheel) in St. Petersburg last month, but other companies quickly caught up and Uber started walking that way.

According to reports, he explained the development in this area has become faster than expected, but there are still some obstacles to the transformation of self-driving cars on the fact, and in fact, this service can be divided into three main players are cars that manufactures cars and companies supplying components and design firms create the car in order to become self-driving passenger services and finally the connection that provide the appropriate platform for the business work services.
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